This Blog will be about my thoughts, opinions and perceptions of the world in which we live. About the world that I wish to live in. And about all that intrigues and fascinates me.

I hope that a few of you out there can relate...... for I often feel alone in the outside world. A world, that in my opinion, is overly concerned about status, possessions and doing whatever is necessary to get ahead. To me, it appears, rude, pushy, selfish and uncaring. It is a world I try not to live in whenever I do not have to.

If you have a sensitive spirit, believe in random acts of kindness, and strive to beautify and positively enhance the world in whatever way that you can, then you are welcome to MY world.

Come in, relax, visit with the kitties, have a nice cup of Earl Grey, eat some Havarti with dijon, listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons, look at the beautiful architecture and gardens
(those are some of my most favorite things!), and feel free to leave your comments...... just remember to *please* mind your P's and Q's, for "rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength", (a quote by Eric Hoffer). :-)

If you aren’t going to say something directly to someone’s face, than don’t use online as an opportunity to say it. It is this sense of bravery that people get when they are anonymous that gives the blogosphere a bad reputation.
~Mena Trott, Times Online, 12-06-06

Only two days posts are shown on this page. To read other posts, select a topic from the Directory that you are interested in reading and all posts that pertain to that topic will appear. You may also click on the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of this page.

Enjoy your visit! :-)

Etiquette Tips

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Defining That Which Is Me: Part Deux

As the name suggests, Arty is a creative thinker, if not necessarily a genuine artist. Arty's wardrobe is her canvas, and her clothes express her love of picturesque and inventive artistic themes. Just as art has its various schools, Arty's unique aesthetic values can exhibit a range of tastes, from brooding value studies to showy kaleidoscopic abstractions. Arty eschews the conventional in favor of the unique, and though she might wear a mass-produced Mona Lisa T-shirt, she cherishes the true uniqueness of hand crafted items. Sometimes she goes as far as to make her own clothing and accessories, and often to embellish store-bought items to suit her tastes and make the common uncommon.

The term "exotic" denotes something foreign and strikingly and excitingly different, and Exotic Fashion Types relish the most intriguing and mysterious curiosities the world has to offer. Exotic may be a traveler *(or only wish)*, or may have imported her native exotica from another land. She eats exotic food, listens to exotic music, and surrounds herself with rich, smoky colors, long, flowing lines, elaborate beading and embroidery, mysteriously ornate patterns, iridescent textures, jungle/Animal prints, paisleys, mosaics, etc., in her home decor and in her dress (often in combinations alien to the Western eye), and typically accessorizes with a bedazzling profusion of shiny bracelets and other jewelry.

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