This Blog will be about my thoughts, opinions and perceptions of the world in which we live. About the world that I wish to live in. And about all that intrigues and fascinates me.

I hope that a few of you out there can relate...... for I often feel alone in the outside world. A world, that in my opinion, is overly concerned about status, possessions and doing whatever is necessary to get ahead. To me, it appears, rude, pushy, selfish and uncaring. It is a world I try not to live in whenever I do not have to.

If you have a sensitive spirit, believe in random acts of kindness, and strive to beautify and positively enhance the world in whatever way that you can, then you are welcome to MY world.

Come in, relax, visit with the kitties, have a nice cup of Earl Grey, eat some Havarti with dijon, listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons, look at the beautiful architecture and gardens
(those are some of my most favorite things!), and feel free to leave your comments...... just remember to *please* mind your P's and Q's, for "rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength", (a quote by Eric Hoffer). :-)

If you aren’t going to say something directly to someone’s face, than don’t use online as an opportunity to say it. It is this sense of bravery that people get when they are anonymous that gives the blogosphere a bad reputation.
~Mena Trott, Times Online, 12-06-06

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Enjoy your visit! :-)

Etiquette Tips

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Bit More On Social Turds: The "Other" Nature

The following was found online and is not my work.

It's a very odd thing, but true. Some people work very hard to make the world a little better. Others only seek to remove, hinder or destroy whatever is good and right.

The Creative Nature

If you're a gifted writer, speaker, builder, or if you can make things with your hands, you're considered creative. If you work with colors, introduce a useful perspective when solving difficult problems, or if you generally help to make the world a better place in some small way, then you're creative.

I'm convinced that every human soul has the potential for great creativity. The Universe generously distributes this quality among the human population to increase our joy in life. Creativity can change an empty and dull life into an explosion of art, style or new inventions -- or solutions to common problems.

The natural ability itself, and the willingness to devote hours, days, even years to developing the necessary skill, comes from The Universe -- from its own gracious Spirit that gives good gifts to all people.

In every society and in every community there are people who take positive steps to make the world a little better. And there's always plenty of need, on every level. People everywhere need to be helped, encouraged, inspired, prompted, provoked -- even directed, from time to time. And all of us need to be reminded of truth now and then.

The Universe uses many good things to stimulate the heart, to activate the brain, to lift up the spirit. The whole earth is filled with good things: green grass, amber shifting sands, blue skies, ever-changing clouds, a great variety of trees, the sounds of wind and rain, the call of a bird -- not to mention sunsets and sunrises, billions of stars at night, a simple rainbow, or a spectacular lightning display in a summer storm.

The Other Nature

But not all people want to enjoy or share good things. There are people who always resist positive action and thinking. There are those who live to complain, to hurt others, to destroy -- always taking, but never giving. They are ruined souls, hollow lives that reject every good thought, word and deed.

Ruined Souls

Every society and every community has its share of ruined souls. They murder, steal & rob, rape women and children, vandalize other people's property, and take pleasure in the loss or ruin experienced by other people. They take pleasure in evil. They hate or even fear the bright light of day.

Such ruined souls actually attack the good that others do. And they can be anywhere. They might be a school principal, even a teacher, or a religious leader. They may pass themselves off as a fellow artist, a writer, a news reporter, or a politician (remember McCarthy?).

If you spend much time doing anything good and worthwhile, making something beautiful, or improving the lot of others, then you've probably been attacked by an empty, ruined soul. They cannot abide a decent word or deed. They must attack it, trying to bring it down.

What Makes a Ruined Soul?

Maybe something very wrong has happened to these poor creatures. Rather than recover, they choose to try and bring the whole world down into their own level of ruin. Unwilling to produce anything good, they exist only to denounce and to pervert the good that others do. They live to destroy.

Can they be helped? Of course they can. Anyone and everyone can be saved from darkness and despair. Spiritually speaking, we must all choose to let go of the dark evil that threatens to overtake our hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you there Mamma C! Thank God you and I are not ruined souls.