This Blog will be about my thoughts, opinions and perceptions of the world in which we live. About the world that I wish to live in. And about all that intrigues and fascinates me.

I hope that a few of you out there can relate...... for I often feel alone in the outside world. A world, that in my opinion, is overly concerned about status, possessions and doing whatever is necessary to get ahead. To me, it appears, rude, pushy, selfish and uncaring. It is a world I try not to live in whenever I do not have to.

If you have a sensitive spirit, believe in random acts of kindness, and strive to beautify and positively enhance the world in whatever way that you can, then you are welcome to MY world.

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If you aren’t going to say something directly to someone’s face, than don’t use online as an opportunity to say it. It is this sense of bravery that people get when they are anonymous that gives the blogosphere a bad reputation.
~Mena Trott, Times Online, 12-06-06

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Post-Impressionism: (1885 - 1905)

*Taken from World Wide Art*

The Post Impressionist period came when several former Impressionist painters became dissatisfied with the movements insistence on light and color. The post-Impressionists aspired to fine more depth in the roles of color, form and solidity in painting.

Post Impressionism was a continuation of the Impressionist movement, but rejected the limitations of its predecessor. The terms was first used by English art critic Roger Fry describing the work of painters such as Paul Cezanne, Georges Seurat, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec among others. The term does not define a singular style or approach, it encompasses all artists that whose main goal was to express more than a visual interpretation. Their aim was to portray emotion and intellect in addition to imagery.

Also related to Pointillism, a technique associated with Paul Signac and Georges Seurat, this partition of the movement called themselves the Neo-Impressionists because of their impressionist revival.

Links to Post-Impressionist Artist:
(You will need to use your back button in order to come back to this Blog)

Beardsley, Aubrey - 1872 - 1898
Cezanne, Paul - 1839 - 1906
Ensor, James - 1860 - 1949
Fry, Roger - 1866 - 1934
Gauguin, Paul - 1843 - 1903
Innes, James Dickson - 1887 - 1914
Munch, Edvard - 1863 - 1944
O’Conor, Roderic - 1860 - 1940
Rousseau, Henri - 1844 - 1910
Seurat, Georges - 1859 - 1891
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de - 1864 - 1901
Van Gogh, Vincent - 1853 - 1890

Some of my most favorite Post-Impressionist paintings are from........

Vincent Van Gogh:

I will continue to add my favorite Post-Impressionist paintings as I find them. Please stay tuned! :D

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